Latest update on Issue 1
from Ohio GOP
Chairman Alex Triantafilou

Good afternoon,
The August 8 Special Election to protect our Constitution is quickly approaching! Military voting has already begun, and there is less than two weeks until Ohioans can begin voting early on July 11.
With the start of early voting just around the corner, a recent poll on Issue 1 showed that a plurality of Ohioans are supporting a "YES" vote, with momentum clearly on our side. Personally, I am confident that our support is much stronger than what is stated in the polls.
That means it is more important than ever that we double down on our voter contact efforts to ensure that as many people get out to spread the word as possible.
Ohio's conservative elected officials, Republican groups, and grassroots activists are strongly united behind Issue 1, and our unified front creates a winning recipe on August 8.
God Bless,
Chairman Alex M. Triantafilou
Ohio Republican Party